Hi, i'm Rubén!
Web & Mobile Developer
I consider myself a self-taught person, who is constantly updated on the latest technologies. I´m enthusiastic, with the intention of apply new ideas on the technology field. I´m interested on developing new skills in order to continue with my professional growth.
Full name
Rubén Ernesto Saavedra Prado
30 Apr 1986 - Managua, Nicaragua
Data Base Management
Central American Univertsity (1 Year) - Graduation 2013
Data Base Management Specialist. This is a University degree with a post grade level, which is addressed to study the principles to design relational databases. With this specialization I could learn to design relational databases studying the whole process, which includes conceptual design, logical design y physics design.
Systems and Technologies Information Engineering
Central American Univertsity (5 Years) - Graduation 2008
Systems and Technologies Information Engineering with a mention on Systems. This is a University degree with a pre grade level, which teach about the entire thematic on computing to practice it as a profession.
Work Experience
Clov3r Labs
Developer & Co-Founder - Jan. 2012 - Present
I develop Web and Mobile Projects with a group of friends, we decided to create our own business and brand Clov3r Labs. We work as freelance, developing mobile projects for national and international clients. We focus on the Mobile Development to platforms as IOS, Android and Windows Phone. We also work on the Web Development with Open Source technologies.
Analyst and Web Developer - Sep. 2013 - Present
I work as a Web systems developer with Microsoft and Open Source technologies. I´m responsible for the maintenance of the CRM system for Casa Pellas, for this, I use C# as a programming language and SQL Server as a database engine. I also develop Web Pages with ASP .Net (Web Forms y MVC) and AngularJS, and I develop services HTTP using ASP .Net Web API.
El Nuevo Diario
Web Developer - Jan. 2013 - Jul. 2014
I worked as a Web Developer with Open Source technologies. I was responsible for the maintenance of the Web Page of “El Nuevo Diario”, a national newspaper. In this job, I developed with PHP as a programming language and PostgreSQL as a database manager.
Versatec Inc.
Senior Systems Engineer - May. 2010 - Jul. 2013
I worked as a Systems Developer under Microsoft Platform. I was responsible for the maintenance of the control system of a vehicle fleet which was developed in ASP .Net (Web Forms) with Visual Basic as a programming language and SQL Server as a database engine. I also was responsible for programming applications/services for processing transaction sent form POS through band and chips cards. Besides, I worked programming POS with ANSI C as a programming language.
Pan American Health Organization
Systems Consultant - Mar. 2009 - Mar. 2010
I worked as a systems developer with Microsoft Platform. I was responsible for designing and developing a Management Computing Systems for OPS/OMS Nicaragua, and an Epidemiological File Control System. I also was part on the developing of a Vital Statistics Computing System (SINEVI) and the implantation of the web site “Observatory on Gender Violence in Nicaragua”, using joomla as a platform.
Telmark Nicaragua S.A.
Junior Developer - Jun. 2008 - Feb. 2009
I worked as a systems developer with Microsoft Platform, developing desktop and web applications using ASP .Net (Web Forms), Visual Basic and C# as programming languages. I was also involved in the modeling and creation of databases in Microsoft SQL Server.
Accounting Assistant - Mar. 2006 - Nov. 2007
I worked as a Systems Operator for the Accounting Area. I was responsible for managing databases with Microsoft Access Platform, designing and programming reports with Crystal Reports, designing and programming forms with Microsoft Access.
Professional Skills
Comunication 80%
Leadership 70%
Confidence 95%
Software Skills
Visual Studio 90%
WebStorm 70%
Android Studio 80%
SQL Server Management Studio 90%
Vim 70%
Code Skills
C# 90%
HTML5 / CSS3 80%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 65%
Ruby 70%
Java 85%
Transact-SQL 90%
Frameworks Skills
ASP .Net MVC 90%
ASP .Net Web Forms 90%
AngularJS 80%
RoR 70%
Entity Framework 85%
I´m fan of football, it´s my favorite sport since I´m a little boy. Every weekend I enjoy watching the top games of the Europe Leagues.
TV Series
I´m fan of TV shows, especially those that are based on history and fiction science.
I take pleasure in reading books, in particular related with new technologies to develop software, programming languages, databases modeling, and project management.
Send me a message
Américas #1 - Managua - Nicaragua
+505 86558188